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Fiscal federalism: Some lessons for Europe from successful federations - Právnický akademický spolek JuristiFiscal federalism: Some lessons for Europe from successful federations - Právnický akademický spolek Juristi

Fiscal federalism: Some lessons for Europe from successful federations

18.3.2014 @ 15.00 – 16.30
PF UK, místnost č. 38

Vážení přiznivci Common Law Society,

na 18.3. jsme si pro Vás připravili přednášku profesora Suriho Ratnapaly z University of Queensland v Austrálii na téma Fiskálního federalismu. Přednáška bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce.

Abstrakt přednášky:

It is a compelling fact that apart from a few resource rich oligarchies and city states, the nations that have achieved the highest standards of incomes and living standards over the past two centuries happen to be de jure or de facto federations. Fiscal decentralisation, to varying degrees is a central feature of the federal form of constitutional government. Professor Ratnapala examines the constitutional arrangements of several federations measured against the theoretical requirements of fiscal federalism. He proceeds to consider the impact of the EU ‘constitution’ on the state of fiscal federalism in Europe and lessons that successful federal states offer for the European project.

O přednášejícím:

Suri Ratnapala is Professor of Public Law at the T C Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland and Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. He teaches constitutional law, philosophy of law and constitutional political economy, fields in which he has published widely. His books include Australian Constitutional Law: Foundations and Theory (Oxford), Australian Constitutional Law: Commentary and Cases (Oxford), Jurisprudence (Cambridge) and Jurisprudence of Liberty (LexisNexis Butterworths). He is the recipient of several international fellowships and is currently a Fellow of the International Centre for Economic Research, Turin and Prague. In 1998, Professor Ratnapala was elected as a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and in 2008 as a member of its Board of Directors. In 2000, he received a John Templeton Foundation Award for his teaching in political, economic and social theory. He is a recipient of the Sir Anthony Fisher International Memorial Prize and the Centenary of Australian Federation Medal for his scholarship in law and economics. Professor Ratnapala has been a consultant with USAID, AusAid, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank in institutional capacity building projects in Asia. Prior to entering the academy he was Senior State Counsel in the Attorney-General’s Department of Sri Lanka.

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